Site logo

An image in .png format with transparent background. Minimum size 512px by 512px for square and minimum 1024px by 576px (16:9) for rectangular.

Logo for PWA

An image in .png format with transparent background. Size 512px by 512px (1:1)

Site favicon

An image in .png format with transparent background. Size 512px by 512px (1:1)


An image with a minimum width 1920px, height depending on the purpose of the banner.

Background image for the Cover

An image with a size of 1920px by 1080px. The final height depends on the amount of text in the module.

Background image for the Cover (Mobile version)

An image with a size of 1080px by 1920px. The final height depends on the amount of text in the module.

Image as a header

An image in .png format with transparent background. Minimum size 1024px by 576px (16:9).

Page Preview

An image with a size of 1920px by 1080px.